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    Our Issues

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    Our Issues

Believing in Science: The One Health Approach

Berkeley is part of a global community. Our well-being is interdependent on fellow human and non-human animals, and our shared environment. This interconnected relationship is the basis of the One Health approach. While the environmental movement has progressed significantly in the past few decades, animals are almost never recognized in our social and environmental movements because we fail to recognize our interdependence.  This is a crucial misstep and one that must be addressed for our global health.

Money in Politics

Berkeley’s local democratic participation is strong and follows a legacy of civic engagement. Programs like Berkeley’s Public Financing can help voters to elect candidates who are not owned by individuals and corporations with deep pockets. But such programs continue to use public dollars to support campaigns rather than using it for social and environmental policies that are stalled or unimplemented due to lack of City funds. How would our democracy look like if new progressive leaders stopped taking funds and instead relied on free public forums and volunteers for their election campaigns?

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Lawmakers, including the Berkeley Council, are mandated to represent constituents and their concerns. When lawmakers ignore their constituents, it breeds distrust in our democratic government resulting in apathy and disengagement. Therefore, if elected, I want to strengthen democracy in Berkeley by
1. Scheduling open office hours
2. Responding to emails
3. Making policy decisions based on public opinion
4. Scheduling community meetings to collaborate and discuss issues and concerns

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