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Our Priorities

A candidate who is genuinely concerned about local issues doesn’t wait until getting elected to demonstrate their commitment! My priority is to demonstrate my commitment by addressing my campaign issues as a common citizen before the election. Whether elected or not, these priority issues are important to me and I will continue working on them.

  1. Implementing Plant-based Policies Adopted by the Council

Berkeley Council has adopted Green Monday, Vision 2025 and Accelerated Plant-based Procurement policies in recent years. . My priority is to work with Berkeley Councilmembers and City Staff to implement these policies.

2. No Donations

I want to address the issue of Money in Politics by taking no donations for this campaign and instead rely on free public forums and volunteers to reach Berkeley voters.

3. Accessibility of Plant-based Foods

Berkeley residents and local businesses take pride in embracing climate awareness and sustainability. My priority is to raise awareness and increase accessibility of plant-based foods. In partnership with former Councilmember Kate Harrison, we launched Berkeley’s Plant-Powered Carbon Challenge. My next step is to advocate for allocated funding for a city-wide public education campaign on the benefits and incorporation of plant-based foods for our daily diets. I also want to develop programs for and with local organizations, businesses and low-income families that would increase our community’s accessibility to plant-based foods. 

4. Learning from My Berkeley Community​​

I am not an expert on all the issues. No one is! That is why Democracy is crucial for collective growth. So, I intend to learn from my Berkeley community. As a concerned resident of District 5, I want to rely on building strong relationships with Berkeley residents and businesses to make Berkeley even better.

5. Collaborating with the Berkeley School Board

I, along with my friends and family, have been funding climate literacy programs in Berkeley Unified School District. These programs educate students on the importance of their food choices. Whether I am elected or not, I will continue collaborating with the Berkeley School Board and Nutrition Director to provide more delicious plant-based options in our public-school cafeterias.

6. Collaborating with Other Cities

Scaling up the good work of the City of Berkeley requires collaboration with the elected officials in other cities. My priority is to collaborate with local governments across the nation to replicate Berkeley’s policies and programs.

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